Saturday, March 30, 2013

My first official R2 part

Two Dome Topper parts - they are tiny!
I've already received my first part, it came two weeks ago. It's a "Dome Topper" that I got from 'Corellian Exports' out of Beaverton, OR. So I'm officially starting from the top!

I have other parts on order, either paid for or waiting to be invoiced for, and waiting to be put into manufacturing. I have 'JAG Hinges' that connect to open/close the doors and hatches on R2's body and dome. Another part that should be shipping in the next two months are servo controlled hologram projector mounts. Oh, and I just ordered the circuit board assembly for the projectors (there are 3 total). I also am waiting for aluminum utility arms to be made. I've also provided intrest in aluminum legs

This project doesn't phase me too much, other than the fact that there isn't a "shop" where you just go and buy the parts you need. I know that this won't be a fast project by any means, so for now I'm just buying parts as I go. I try to figure out what the part is, what it's made out of (aluminum/styrene/other?) and try to decide it that's the purchase for me. I've figured out some of the parts that I want, but there are still others that I'm trying to decide on. Right now it's whether or not to go with wood legs or aluminum legs. I think I'll go with aluminum feet for durability, but if I go the wood route for the legs I could totally build those out myself. I do like the look and feel of aluminum, and the prices for such parts don't shock me much, but it would be cool to build some of the parts from scratch if possible. Of course, a big factor is how it's going to look as an end product.

So there we go - part #1. While I'd like to keep a log tracking each purchase, who made it, etc., I know that my attention span will fade pretty quick. I'm starting out doing it, but I just know somewhere in the middle I'll lose track of stuff, and lose intrest.

Until next time....

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