Friday, June 28, 2013

They call it an "update"...

Sorry for the lack of updates, I forgot my password then kind of didn't take the time to chase it down. But all is good now. No pics this time around, but I've made some progress. Mainly I've been buying parts from various club members. Everything I've gotten so far is top notch - the stuff that's being produced is really remarkable. From resin parts from WORR Parts, circuit boards and electronics, various aluminum parts from several different club members, to my incredible skirt from Crash. I'll update with a new post this weekend and catalog (with pics) where I'm at right now. I should also show my workspace that I've build just for this project. I think it turned out really nice, with room to work. And room to buy new toys, like a drill press. I recently finished rebuilding a Rockler slipring to mount the head on, and the drill press came in quite handy. Anyways, more later, and thanks for reading!

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